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Chris & David — Minted




Chris and David

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Love Found Online

Love stories are as diverse as the people involved, and our journey is no exception. Surprisingly, our love story began through the dating app, Bumble, a modern twist that our grandparents, parents, and even our siblings might never have envisioned. At a time when the dating landscape had shifted, we both found ourselves seeking something hopeful. Little did we know that a simple swipe right would set the wheels in motion for our love story, ultimately leading us to this very moment.

But like any genuine connection, it wasn't an instant fairytale romance. Our path to love was filled with ups and downs, moments of uncertainty, and pauses along the way. Yet, no matter what obstacles we encountered, we always found our way back to each other. Our relationship started off slowly and grew into a strong foundation built on safety, laughter, and joy.

The incredible thing is that it took decades for our paths to finally cross. We had to go through numerous experiences and challenges before finding our perfect match, our person. And now, this year marks not only the beginning of our marriage but also a series of significant life changes. Together, we decided to embark on a new job, a big move to a different state, and the purchase of a new house. It is a blessing that we get to navigate these adventures together.